Saturday, October 29, 2011

I am thankful for...

               Instead of doing all the things that I should have done today, I decided that I would create a list of 100 things that I am thankful for. This sounds quite easy, but it must be differentiated from a list of things I should be thankful for. And although many things will be the same, I am not going to copy and paste from old lists of mine. Also I would like to specify that this is not a ‘top 100 list’, but a ‘first thing that comes to mind in no particular order list’.

1.  Last night   2.The change in seasons  3. Days with no wind  4.Old girlfriends  5.My computer  6.My family  7.Horizontal sunlight  8.The smell of suntan lotion  9. Financial support of the Archdiocese  10. Bleach  11.The smell of lemons  12.Good food  13. Not having to worry about food  14. My car  15. My guitar  16.Music  17. Air conditioning  18.Not having to pay utilities  19.My cell phone  20.The internet   21.Alcohol     22.Trees  23.Crunchy leaves  24.Swimming  25.Friends  26.Indoor plumbing  27.Artificial light  28.Video games  29.Having a body that works  30.Soap  31.Snow  32. Fresh baked bread  33. Elevators  34. Post it notes  35.Flash drives  36. Freedom of speech  37. Jesus  38. The smell of crayons  39. Electricity  40.Glass  41. Rain  42. Ice  43.Soda  44.Sacrament of Penance  45.My woodworking tools  46.Duct tape  47.Sharp knives  48.Blue jeans  49.Well-polished shoes  50.Good parents  51.My family’s health  52.My I-pod  53.Warm clothes  54.The ocean  55.The Bible  56.Cookbooks  57.Not being a girl  58.Paintball  59.   Laughter  60.My sound system  61.Emotion  62.Freedom of will  63.My Kindle  64.My camera  65.Hunger  66.Thirst  67.The changing color of leaves  68.Flat land  69.Mountains  70.Redheads  71.Wonder of the universe  72.Being able to own firearms  73.Clouds  74.Sidewalks  75.Extension cords  76.Letters  77.   Facebook  78.Good spiritual reading  79.Being able to read  80.Being able to write  81.Fiction  82.Smiling  83.Good roads  84.Not having to farm  85.Not having to ranch  86.Sensible philosophy  87.Being Loved  88.Good artwork  89.Desire  90.Green grass  91.Wheat fields  92. Having good work  93. Feeling accomplished  94. Privacy  95. Being able to cook  96.Breath mints  97. Chocolate  98. Good boots  99. Getting to go to Europe 100. Every person who reads this

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