Monday, December 12, 2011

The Trinity and BECs

               The trinity is a wonderful and terrible thing to attempt to understand. Simply put, it is an illogical  doctrine that –pretty much- all Christians believe. It is a troubling thing to think about: How can something be both one and three?
               People come up with all kinds of ways to describe the trinity. The trinity is like water in its three phases, or like the ocean, 3 in 1 shampoo, or even like a chicken egg. Personally, I don’t like reducing my concept of God down to an egg, even if doing so would clarify whether the chicken or the egg came first.
                When it comes to my God, I don’t like to make many comparisons, but if I had to, I would say that God is like a Bose-Einstein Condensate. Firstly, I think this applicable because I hardly know what that even means. 
^I'm not sure what this means, but I think it is applicable^
               Here is my understanding. If any of you know more about the physics, or the trinity, feel free to correct me. Basically, when you supercool a gas- and by supercool, I mean really really really cold-, some very strange things happen. Quantum mechanics become visible on a large scale. By a large scale, we are talking like 1000 atoms, but still. Most of us have heard that light is both a particle and a wave. What happens in a Bose-Einstein Condensate is similar. The mass takes on wavelike properties. No particles exist on their own, but only exist together, and with completely different properties. In effect, the many become one, and the one is the many.
               Matter is seen acting in new ways, but it is apparantly natural for it to do so. We once thought that reality could be cut up into particles, but now things are more complex. Matter can be thought of as energy, and wave. If modern physics can ever reach the point of fully explain how and why this is, Christians will take that explanation and stamp it onto the conception of God. We can’t even talk about physical realities with certainty. What makes one think that we can think about God with calculating even greater certainty?
               Personally, I like living in kind of wonderful, fantastic, and nigh incomprehensible world. It kinda makes things fun.

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