Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Snooze Button Blues

               I like to sleep. I like to sleep almost as much as I like to eat. There is an inverse relationship between the enjoyment derived from sleep and the amount of effort it takes to get out of bed.

               Every night I think that I will get up at the first ring of my alarm clock, and every morning I find this to be false. Immediately afterwards, I promise myself that tonight I will go to bed earlier, only to later learn that this also is false.
               I have never been one to hit the snooze on the alarm over and over. I would rather set the alarm to go off 15 minutes later and so get 15 minutes of uninterrupted sleep. I may know that my 15 minutes of uninterrupted sleep was more restful than the interrupted patches of 5 minute limbo dreaming, but hitting the snooze makes me feel like I’m getting away with something.
               Maybe there are psychological effects of hitting the snooze button. Maybe it makes me feel like I can put off my responsibilities a little bit longer. It makes me feel more self-confident to the level that I believe that I can actually deal with the day. Subconsciously I have proven that I am successful at shirking my duties. Now all that is left is to prove that I can also fulfill them, and that is why I get out of bed in the morning.
               I end up getting up –except in the cases I don’t (which happens more often than I would like to admit),- and immediately regret the decision.
               I am always tired during class. Then midnight rolls around and I am wide awake. It makes me wonder what would happen if they had class at midnight. The real problem of course is that I don’t go to bed early enough. This is because it takes me all day to realize that I should stop procrastinating and actually do something. Unfortunately, by the time I realize this, it is time to retire for the evening.

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