Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tidbits on Judgment

               This Thursday, I completed my final examinations. It is both relieving and not relieving to be finished with the semester. Our finals were not comprehensive, and were no more difficult than regular tests. The only real difficulty comes from the fact that they are all scheduled within a few days of each other. -Of course, this isn’t too much of a problem if you don’t really study for tests, but that is neither here nor there.-
               Regardless of their relative ease, finals are incredibly stressful. The real vexation does not come from studying, but comes from being judged. Everyone fears judgment. We all have jobs to do. We all have bosses, parents, or teachers who evaluate us. We like to think that these people only evaluate our work and not evaluate us as people, but that is hard to believe.  It seems that we either have an unhealthy pride in our work or a fear of inadequacy. Middle ground is difficult to find.
               Seminarians are judged quite a bit. The seniors just finished their final evaluations. From this evaluation and other observations, the administration decides whether or not a student should be recommended to continue seminarian formation. It often feels like a chaplain with a clipboard looks over your shoulder at all times to make sure that you are doing everything right. Judgment is nerve-racking.
               God is a judge.  People fear God’s judgment, and why would we serve such a God?  It is difficult to realize that God only judges for the sake of the good of the person. A mother does not allow her children to do whatever they please. She restricts their actions because of her love for them. When children do something wrong, they are judged and punished. This does not mean that the mother loves her children any less.
               God is great. Christ provides us a way to live free of fear and focus on God’s love for us. 

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