Friday, November 11, 2011

A little bit on my rational.

               I wonder about trivial little things like: Why is this furniture arranged in this way? Why is the handicap door closer to the stairs than to the elevator? And why does the kitchen staff put the gravy before the biscuits 39.8% of the time? I think to myself that people have rational for acting in the ways they do, but I am ignorant to what it is.
               My ignorance of underlying rationality often leads to irritation because I begin to wonder if there is any reason behind anything at all. If any of my readers are like I am, this post is for you. I would like to give some reasoning behind what I do insofar as this blog is concerned.
               Firstly, I attempt to keep my posts short. The average person reads about 250 words per minute which would hypothetically allow a person to read a post of 300 words in 72 seconds. I find when I am surfing the wondrous wave that we call the World Wide Web, I do not stop to read an article if it will take a lot of time and effort to comprehend. I shorten my posts to the detriment of development because I do not find it necessary to expound upon a basic idea. All I try to do is present the basic idea as clearly as possible.
               Secondly, I do not laboriously proofread my articles. As a lazy college student, I do not laboriously proofread anything. Be assured that I do proofread, but I always post articles that I am less than 100% pleased with. I do this for one simple reason: if I waited until I was fully satisfied with an article to post it, I would never post anything. What can I say, but that I have high standards?!
               Thirdly, there are not a lot pictures on my blog for one simple reason: I don’t take very many pictures.  The format is also lacking due to the fact that I am too ignorant to figure out how to change it. Someday, I will find someone knowledgeable about such things, or better yet, learn myself, but until that day comes, you will simply have to put up with lackluster graphics.
               Lastly, despite the urgings of my high school English teacher, I do not often provide adequate conclusions. This is partially due to the constraints of space and time. More importantly, avoiding conclusions creates a psychotic effect in the reader which suspends the aura of finality, and so requires the reader to return to the blog in attempts to find resolution.
               Ok, I made that last one up… but it almost sounded good enough to end on.              

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