Saturday, February 4, 2012

Achievement Unlocked

               I am a very achievement oriented person. I like to set goals and then achieve them even if they are small insignificant things. I enjoy unlocking achievements in video games. Even though you don’t do anything ‘real’, you still get the feeling that you have accomplished something. Earning a paycheck is a very satisfying experience. I am well suited to construction because building a structure is likewise a fulfilling venture, and if you are anything like me, you may enjoy this little game:
               As rewarding as achievements things can be, I have to constantly remind myself that my value is not dependent upon what I do. I touched on this subject earlier: Sometimes, through failures, God reminds us not to value our accomplishments.
               This past week at work was incredibly unproductive. In one day, I somehow managed to undo all the previous day’s work. Upon arriving at work, my boss and I quite often realize that the previous day’s work was an inch off, and it all needs to be redone. This not only is a loss of labor and materials, but it is also a loss of my patience as well.
               I think it is natural for people to think that God judges them upon their achievements, but I am quite convinced that this is way of thinking is incorrect. As much as I freak out about ‘doing’, I could only imagine what it would be like if I were not Christian. When Christ said ‘It is finished, it was the ultimate Achievement unlocked.
               If actions come from a desire for validation, they are hollow. Christians are not ‘good people’ so that God will love them. Christians are good people because of a wondrous and burning passion for life that comes from the realization that God loves people.
               Simply put, we don’t have to worry about collecting achievements. We should achieve because of the joy that comes from God’s achievement.

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