Thursday, March 22, 2012

Musings on Potentiality

               I have not posted in a while. Since a couple of my friends have threatened me with physical violence, I figure that I should post something. I have plenty of ideas, none of which are formulated very well. My ideas are vague and ephemeral –much like the public’s views on spirituality-. The possibilities are near endless. I want to express how much I love rain, how much I fear fire, how much of a not-good Catholic I am, how Christianity isn’t mindless… The list goes on and on.
               My philosophical training tells me that a thing in actuality is better than a thing in potentiality, and so I conclude that I better start writing. Potentiality is a funny thing. People say that I have a lot of potential. Nobody pays anything for potential. I often wonder if I am wasting my potential. I think that I should develop more of my talents. I should invest more in my relationships. I should study like there is no tomorrow. –this is ironic because if there was no tomorrow, studying is the last thing I would be doing-
               Somebody insignificant once said something very similar to the following: “the most common substance in the universe is wasted human potential.”  I am ignorant as to whether or not this insignificant person was quoting someone more significant. –please note that I do not believe people have greater and lesser significance.  Humans are like buckets.  These buckets are rarely full, but are incredibly wonderful when they fill up.
               I love my faith because, contrary to popular belief, it is not mindless or stifling, but my faith is a wonderful, living thing that challenges me to become a better person. I am excited at the paradox of Christianity which makes a person strive to become more, and yet, at the same time, completely affirms who you are right now. Is that not exciting? Or do I just delight in random thoughts?

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